1. What is the mapping of?

Domain Range
-3 3
-2 -6
-1 0, 15
0 -6
1 -1

I needed to represent these with arrows, but I can't.

a. relation
b. linear function
c. all of these
d. none of these
Answer- none of these

2. Re-write 2x - 3y < 6 in slope intercept format.
Answer- y > (2/3) x -2

y = x^3 + 4 is a linear equation.
Answer- False

3. The graph of 1/2x-1/4y < 1.5 will have what type of boundary line?
Answer- dashed

4. What is the set of all x coordinates of a relation?
Answer- domain

5. An expression is a mathematical statement using numbers, operations, and variables.
Answer- True

6. The ________ measures the sleepness of a line.
Answer- slope

7. The > sign means the expression on the left is greater than the expression on the right.
Answer- True

all true.

1. To determine the mapping of the given data, we need to analyze the relationship between the domain and range values. In this case, we have different domain values matched with corresponding range values. However, there is no consistent pattern or rule that would classify this mapping as a relation or a linear function. Therefore, the answer is "none of these."

2. To rewrite the inequality 2x - 3y < 6 in slope-intercept form, we need to isolate the variable "y" on one side of the inequality. Here are the steps to follow:

- Subtract 2x from both sides: -3y < -2x + 6
- Divide both sides of the inequality by -3. Remember that dividing by a negative number reverses the inequality sign: y > (-2/3)x + (-6/3)

Simplifying further, we have y > (-2/3)x - 2 as the slope-intercept form of the inequality.

3. The inequality 1/2x - 1/4y < 1.5 represents a linear inequality. The boundary line for this inequality will be a straight line. The type of boundary line is determined by the inequality sign. Since the inequality is less than (<), the boundary line will be a dashed line.

4. The set of all x coordinates in a relation is called the "domain." In a relation, the domain represents the input values or the values assigned to the independent variable. It is essential to distinguish between the domain and the range. The domain consists of all the x-values associated with the given relation, while the range consists of all the corresponding y-values.

5. Yes, the statement is true. An expression is a mathematical statement that can consist of numbers, operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and variables. It does not have an equal sign, making it distinct from an equation. Expressions can be simplified or evaluated, but they cannot be solved like equations.

6. The "slope" measures the steepness or incline of a line. It represents the rate of change between the vertical and horizontal directions of a line. The slope is determined by the ratio of the change in the y-coordinates to the change in the x-coordinates between two points on a line.

7. Yes, the statement is true. The ">" sign is used to indicate that the expression on the left side of the inequality is greater than the expression on the right side. In other words, it represents a "greater than" relationship. In mathematical notation, it can be read as "is greater than" or simply "greater than."