1. Given g(x) = x^2 -x, find g (2/3).

Answer- -2/9

2. The scatterplot of this data would suggest a
Study Time
14 20 23 25 28 32
Test Score
60 67 68 70 72 73
Answer- positive correlation

3. The scatterplot of this data would suggest a
# of cookies consumed each week
1 3 4 5 7 10
Weight Loss
6 5 5 4 1 0
Answer-inverse correlation

4. Compare the quantity in Column A with the quantity in Column B
Column A
y-intercept of
3x + y = -3

Column B
y-intercept of
4y - 12 = 5x
Answer- The relationship cannot be determined on the basis of the information supplied.

5. Solve the equation -5x + 7 = 42
Answer- -7

6. Evaluate the absolute value expression |6 - 4|
Answer- 2

4. I would like to see the other answer choices. one intercept is -3, the other 3.

Answers for #4

a. The quantiy in Column A is greater
b. The quantity in Column B is greater
c. The two quantities are equal
d. the relationship cannot be determined on the basis of the information supplied.

Are the rest of them correct

take a look at answers a, and b. I don't remember which was 3. 3>-3

1. To find g(2/3) using the given function g(x) = x^2 - x, we substitute 2/3 for x in the function:

g(2/3) = (2/3)^2 - (2/3)
= 4/9 - 2/3
= 4/9 - 6/9
= -2/9

Therefore, g(2/3) = -2/9.

2. To determine the correlation from a scatterplot, we examine the direction of the points. If the points tend to go from bottom-left to top-right, it indicates a positive correlation.

In this case, as the study time (in minutes) increases, the test score also tends to increase. Therefore, there is a positive correlation between study time and test score.

3. To determine the correlation from a scatterplot, we examine the direction of the points. If the points tend to go from top-left to bottom-right, it indicates an inverse correlation.

In this case, as the number of cookies consumed each week increases, the weight loss tends to decrease. Therefore, there is an inverse correlation between the number of cookies consumed and weight loss.

4. Comparing the y-intercepts of the given equations:

Column A: 3x + y = -3

To find the y-intercept, we set x = 0 and solve for y:
3(0) + y = -3
y = -3

Therefore, the y-intercept for Column A is -3.

Column B: 4y - 12 = 5x

To find the y-intercept, we set x = 0 and solve for y:
4y - 12 = 5(0)
4y - 12 = 0
4y = 12
y = 3

Therefore, the y-intercept for Column B is 3.

Since the y-intercepts of Column A and Column B are different (-3 and 3), the relationship between the quantities cannot be determined based on the given information.

5. To solve the equation -5x + 7 = 42, we isolate x by performing the necessary steps:

-5x + 7 = 42
-5x = 42 - 7
-5x = 35
x = 35 / -5
x = -7

Therefore, the solution to the equation -5x + 7 = 42 is x = -7.

6. The absolute value of a number is the distance from that number to zero on a number line. To evaluate the absolute value expression |6 - 4|, we subtract 6 from 4 and take the absolute value:

|6 - 4| = |2| = 2

Therefore, the absolute value of 6 - 4 is 2.