During 1998-1999 Little League season, the Tigers played 52 games. They won 12 more games than they lost. How many games did they win that season?

Let x = the games lost

x + x + 12 = 52
2x = 52 - 12
2x = 40
x = 20

To determine the number of games the Tigers won during the 1998-1999 Little League season, we will follow these steps:

1. Let's assume that the number of games lost by the Tigers during the season is 'x'.
2. Since they won 12 more games than they lost, the number of games won can be calculated as 'x + 12'.
3. The total number of games played by the Tigers is given as 52.
4. Therefore, the equation can be formed as: x + (x + 12) = 52.
5. Simplifying the equation, we have: 2x + 12 = 52.
6. Subtracting 12 from both sides, we get: 2x = 40.
7. Dividing both sides by 2, we obtain: x = 20.
8. Substituting the value of 'x' back into the equation, we find: x + 12 = 20 + 12 = 32.

Hence, the Tigers won 32 games during the 1998-1999 Little League season.