"All the great scientists have gone to college. Some of the great athletes have gone to college. Therefore, some great scientists are great athletes." This is an invalid argument.


Bias can be recognized through___?
a.use of poetic language
b. dictionary definition
c. extreme statement of emotional ideas
I say c?

Erika, Naomi, Melissa. DO NOT SWITCH USER NAMES!

Right on both questions.

Yes, the argument "All the great scientists have gone to college. Some of the great athletes have gone to college. Therefore, some great scientists are great athletes" is an invalid argument.

To determine the validity of an argument, we need to ensure that the conclusion logically follows from the premises. In this case, the conclusion does not logically follow from the premises. Just because some great scientists and great athletes have gone to college does not mean that some great scientists are great athletes. This argument commits what is known as the fallacy of composition, which assumes that what is true of the parts must also be true of the whole.

Regarding the second question, the correct answer is indeed option c. Bias can often be recognized through the extreme statement of emotional ideas. When someone uses emotionally charged language or extreme statements to express their ideas, it can indicate a bias towards a particular viewpoint. It is important to be aware of bias in order to critically analyze information and make informed decisions.