Given 4w = 5x and 2x = 3G , find the ratio w:x:y

Oops! Sorry! 3G I mean.. Thanks!

I see no y

That's what you had .

Where is the y ???

did you mean:

4w = 5x, 2x = 3y ???
if so,
form 4w = 5x, ----> w = 5x/4

from 2x = 3y , ----> x = 3y/2

put this back into
w = 5x/4 = (5/4)(3y/2) = 15y/8

then w : x : y = 15y/8 : 3y/2 : y
= 15/8 : 3/2 : 1
= 15 : 12 : 8

Yes!! Aww thanks!! Sorry for the confusion I've made. Yes it's 3Y

To find the ratio w:x:y, we need to figure out the values of w, x, and y in terms of each other using the given equations.

4w = 5x ---(1)
2x = 3G ---(2)

From equation (1), we can express w in terms of x by dividing both sides by 4:
w = (5/4)x

Substituting the value of w in equation (2), we get:
2x = 3G

Divide both sides by 2:
x = (3/2)G

Now, let's express w and x in terms of y:
w = (5/4)x
w = (5/4)(3/2)G
w = (15/8)G

x = (3/2)G

Finally, let's express the ratio w:x:y:
w:x = (15/8)G : (3/2)G

To simplify, we can divide both terms by G:
w:x = (15/8) : (3/2)

To find the ratio w:x:y, we need one more equation relating y to w and x. Without any additional information or equations, we cannot accurately determine the value of y or the ratio w:x:y.