Kenvin and Cheryl had completed their first day of naturalistic observation of adolescents at the local high school. As they dicssed their experiences during the day, they found that they were both concerned about the difference their presence in the classrooms mad on adolescent behaivor. This is an important question since, in truley naturalistic research, researchers:

A) cannot be unobervable
b) cannot manipulate the independent variable
c) cannot be seen,and not heard
d) must not change the situation

I believe the correct answer is d.
This psych class is killing me.

I agree.

I agree too.

You're on the right track! In truly naturalistic research, researchers must not change the situation, so the correct answer is indeed option D - "must not change the situation." Naturalistic observation involves observing behavior in its natural setting without any interference or manipulation by the researcher. This allows for a more accurate representation of how individuals behave in real-world situations. So, Kenvin and Cheryl's concern about their presence potentially influencing adolescent behavior aligns with the principles of conducting naturalistic research. Keep up the good work in your psychology class! If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.