Which group thinks that taking care of the poor is more of a job for the churches families and not so much the government's responsibility?

I think it's the conservatists but am not sure.

Right -- the conservatives generally don't want the government interfering with people.

To get a more precise answer, we can start by understanding the basic ideologies of conservatives and their views on the role of government. Conservatives generally advocate for limited government intervention in people's lives and believe in individual freedom and self-reliance. They often argue that solutions to societal issues, such as poverty, should primarily be addressed by churches, families, and civil society, rather than relying heavily on the government.

To confirm this, we can look at the platforms and policies of conservative political parties or organizations. Additionally, we can consider the opinions and statements made by prominent conservative figures or intellectuals who often express these views.

By examining these sources, we will be able to gain a more complete understanding of the conservative perspective on the responsibility of taking care of the poor.