10th century copper sculpture illustrated work of artist peforming "giving tangible form to the unknown" the unknown case in this is what diety


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To determine the deity in the 10th-century copper sculpture depicting an artist giving tangible form to the unknown, we can employ a few steps:

1. Research the historical context: Get familiar with the time period and region the sculpture originated from. This will provide clues about the prevalent religious beliefs during that era.

2. Analyze the artwork: Examine the sculpture in detail. Look for any distinctive features, symbols, or inscriptions that might help identify the deity. Pay attention to the physical attributes or characteristics that often represent specific gods or goddesses in that cultural context.

3. Consult relevant sources: Refer to scholarly books, articles, or museum catalogs that specialize in the art and religious practices of the time and location in question. These sources may provide valuable information or theories about the sculpture's symbolism and the deity being depicted.

4. Seek expert opinions: If necessary, reach out to experts in the field of art history, archaeology, or religious studies. Museums or universities often have specialists who can offer insight into the artwork's meaning and the deity it represents.

5. Comparative analysis: Compare the sculpture with other known depictions of deities from the same or nearby regions and time periods. By noting similarities in iconography or artistic style, you may be able to identify common religious figures worshipped during that period.

By following these steps, you should be able to gather substantial information and come closer to identifying the deity portrayed in the 10th-century copper sculpture.