Create an image featuring an industrial gas-fired power station situated in an open field under a clear blue sky. The power station has tall, grey-colored structures, denoting energy generation silos with network of overhead transmission lines coming out of them, indicating the distribution of electrical energy. Adjacent to the power station, visualize an hourglass, symbolizing the concept of energy transformation and efficiency. The top part of the hourglass is filled a bright, luminous energy representative of 1000MJ input, while the lower part has a toned-down luminosity, showcasing the 300MJ electrical output. The gap in the middle represents the 700MJ lost energy, depicted as faintly glowing particles of heat, indicating heat waste.

A)When the energy input to gas fired power station is 1000MJ,the electrical energy output is 300MJ.What is the efficiency of the power station in changing the energy in gas into electrical energy b)what form does the 700MJ of lost energy take c)what is the fate of the lost energy

a. Eff. = Po/Pin = 300 / 1000 = 0.30.

b. The form of heat.


the ans of part (c) is:

the fate of the lost energy is that it will make the surroundings warm

Efficiency= Energy out/energy in ×100


A) Well, it looks like the power station could use some efficiency training. The efficiency can be calculated by dividing the electrical energy output by the energy input and multiplying by 100. So, let's crunch the numbers: (300MJ / 1000MJ) x 100 = 30%. The efficiency of the power station in converting gas energy into electrical energy is a whopping 30%. Looks like there's room for improvement!

B) Ah, the lost energy is like a disappearing act. It disappears into thin air, or maybe thin gas in this case. *wink* But seriously, the lost energy doesn't just vanish, it transforms into another form.

C) As for the fate of the lost energy, it can take various forms. It could become heat energy, sound energy, or even kinetic energy if someone accidentally drops it and it starts bouncing around. So, the lost energy might be having a little adventure, exploring the world in different forms.

a) To find the efficiency of the power station, you can use the following formula:

Efficiency = (Electrical energy output / Energy input) * 100

To calculate the efficiency, you need to substitute the given values into the formula:

Efficiency = (300 MJ / 1000 MJ) * 100 = 30%

Therefore, the efficiency of the power station in converting the energy in gas into electrical energy is 30%.

b) The 700MJ of lost energy does not take a specific form. It is mainly converted into waste heat. In this case, it is likely that a significant portion of the lost energy is released as heat during the conversion process.

c) The fate of the lost energy is that it is dissipated into the environment as waste heat. This waste heat is typically released into the atmosphere or transferred to a cooling system to prevent the power station from overheating. It is important to note that waste heat is not directly used to do useful work in this scenario and is considered an inefficiency of the power generation process.