Which of the following is a DEMOGRAPHIC segmenting dimension?

What following?

To identify which of the following is a demographic segmenting dimension, we first need to understand what demographic segmentation means. In marketing and market research, demographic segmentation involves dividing a population into smaller groups based on certain demographic characteristics. These characteristics typically include age, gender, income, education level, occupation, marital status, and ethnicity.

Now, let's examine the given options and determine which one qualifies as a demographic segmenting dimension:

1. Purchase behavior: Purchase behavior refers to how consumers behave when making purchasing decisions, such as their shopping habits, frequency of purchases, and brand loyalty. While this is an important aspect of market analysis, it does not fall under the category of demographic segmentation as it does not specifically pertain to demographic characteristics.

2. Geographic location: Geographic location refers to the physical location of individuals or groups, such as their country, city, or neighborhood. While geographic location is a valuable segmentation dimension, it is not strictly considered a demographic characteristic. It falls under geographic or geodemographic segmentation, which focuses on targeting consumers based on their location.

3. Age: Age is a commonly used demographic segmentation dimension. Dividing a population based on age categories allows companies to tailor their marketing efforts to specific age groups with distinct preferences, needs, and behaviors. Age segmentation is especially relevant for products and services that target different age demographics, such as toys for children, skincare products for adults, or insurance plans for retirees.

4. Interests and hobbies: Interests and hobbies pertain more to psychographic segmentation rather than solely demographic segmentation. Psychographic segmentation focuses on understanding and targeting people based on their lifestyles, values, attitudes, personality traits, and interests. While it may sometimes overlap with demographic segmentation, interests and hobbies are not strictly demographic characteristics.

Considering the above analysis, we can conclude that the demographic segmenting dimension among the given options is "Age."