Examples of best practices of caregivers, culled from different childcare experiences, include all of the following Except: a.)exude an energetic affection for the children. b.)tell parents judgmental stories about their children. c.)problem-solve with parents. d.)engage in helping the child through his or her current struggles.

i think it's b what about you

Which ONE includes negative words/behavior on the part of the caregiver?

i really don't get it please help me

a. energetic affection

b. judgmental stories

c. problem-solve with parents

d. helping the child through...


Look up any words you aren't clear on, and then let me know which one is NEGATIVE. That's your answer.

I agree that the answer is b.

That has a negative connotation.

To determine which option is the correct answer, we need to analyze each option and eliminate the one that does not fit the criteria.

a.) Exude an energetic affection for the children: This is generally considered a best practice for caregivers as it helps create a positive and nurturing environment for the children.

b.) Tell parents judgmental stories about their children: Sharing judgmental stories about children with parents is not generally considered a best practice. Caregivers should focus on effective communication that is constructive and supportive rather than being judgmental.

c.) Problem-solve with parents: Problem-solving with parents is an essential aspect of caregiving. It helps caregivers understand and address any challenges or issues the child may be facing and promotes collaboration between caregivers and parents.

d.) Engage in helping the child through his or her current struggles: This is also considered a best practice as caregivers should provide support and guidance to help children overcome challenges and difficulties.

Based on the above analysis, the option that does not fit the criteria of best practices for caregivers is b.) Tell parents judgmental stories about their children.