Given the bar graph below, create a grouped frequency distribution:

Hours per week:

3 Mike
5 Don
6 Daniel
7 Jake, Greg
8 Asad
9 Sandra
10 Drake
12 Andrea

Can group into units of two, 3-4, 5-6...11-12 and indicate number of persons in each group.

To create a grouped frequency distribution from the given bar graph, we need to group the data into intervals and count the frequency of values falling within each interval.

First, let's determine the intervals. In this case, we can choose an interval width of, for example, 2. Starting from the minimum value (0), the intervals would be as follows:

0 - 1
2 - 3
4 - 5
6 - 7
8 - 9
10 - 11
12 - 13

Next, we count the number of values falling within each interval. Looking at the bar graph, we can see the following counts:

0 - 1: 1 (Mike)
2 - 3: 1 (Don)
4 - 5: 0
6 - 7: 2 (Daniel, Jake, Greg)
8 - 9: 1 (Asad)
10 - 11: 1 (Drake)
12 - 13: 1 (Andrea)

Now we can create the grouped frequency distribution table:

Interval | Frequency
0 - 1 | 1
2 - 3 | 1
4 - 5 | 0
6 - 7 | 2
8 - 9 | 1
10 - 11 | 1
12 - 13 | 1

This table shows the frequency of values falling within each interval.