four grams of he are in a sealed, 2l container. If he were a true ideal gas, how would its behaviour differ from its actual behavior

See your duplicate post above. By the way, it would help if you used proper sentence structure. he is a pronoun. He is helium.

If helium (He) were a true ideal gas, its behavior would differ from its actual behavior in a few ways. Here's a step-by-step explanation:

1. Ideal gas assumes that the gas particles have negligible volume, meaning they occupy no space. In reality, helium atoms have some volume, although it is very small compared to the volume of the container. So, if helium were an ideal gas, its behavior would differ in terms of volume.

2. According to the ideal gas law, PV = nRT, where P is pressure, V is volume, n is the amount of gas in moles, R is the ideal gas constant, and T is the temperature. In the case of a sealed 2L container with 4 grams of helium, if it were an ideal gas, we could calculate the amount of helium in moles using its molar mass (4 g/mol).

3. The actual behavior of helium, however, does not fully comply with the assumptions of an ideal gas. At low temperatures or high pressures, helium atoms start to interact with each other due to intermolecular forces. This can cause deviations from the ideal gas behavior, particularly at low temperatures and high pressures.

4. These deviations can be seen in the compressibility factor (Z), which is a measure of how closely a real gas behaves like an ideal gas. For ideal gases, Z is always equal to 1. However, real gases, including helium, can have values of Z different from 1, especially at conditions where intermolecular forces play a significant role.

In conclusion, if helium were a true ideal gas, its behavior would differ in terms of volume and the absence of deviations from the ideal gas law under various temperature and pressure conditions.

To determine how the behavior of helium (He) as an ideal gas differs from its actual behavior, we need to understand the characteristics and assumptions of an ideal gas.

1. Volume: In the given scenario, He is in a sealed 2L container. For an ideal gas, the volume occupied by the gas particles is negligible compared to the total volume of the container. So, in the case of helium as an ideal gas, its volume would be considered zero.

2. Intermolecular Forces: In reality, gas particles experience intermolecular forces due to their molecular attractions. However, in the ideal gas model, these forces are assumed to be absent. Helium, being a noble gas, already has weak intermolecular forces, so the deviation from ideal behavior would be minimal for helium.

3. Particle Size: In an ideal gas, particles are considered to have zero size. Therefore, in the ideal case, the helium particles would occupy no space, resulting in the gas occupying the entire volume of the container. In reality, helium particles have a finite size, so they would occupy a small portion of the container's volume.

4. Collision and Kinetic Energy: Ideal gas particles collide elastically with each other and with the container's walls, meaning there is no loss of kinetic energy during collisions. In reality, some energy is lost during collisions due to intermolecular forces, resulting in a slight deviation from ideal behavior.

So, the behavior of helium as an ideal gas would differ from its actual behavior in terms of volume (assuming zero volume for ideal helium gas) and the absence of intermolecular forces. However, for helium, these deviations from ideal behavior are relatively small due to its low molecular mass and weak intermolecular forces, making it approach ideal gas behavior to a high degree.