In the van der waals equation, the constants a and b are:

1)used to correct for the finite volume of gas molecules and the attractive forces between molecules
2)equal to each other for any real gas
3)used to correct for the difference between Celcius and Kelvin
4)equal to 1 for ideal gases
5)used to correct for the fact that collisions of gas molecules are not really completely elastic.

I was thinking 4, but could someone confirm?

Certainly not equal to one for ideal gases.

What is wrong with number one?

To determine the correct answer, let's review the purpose and role of the constants a and b in the van der Waals equation.

The van der Waals equation is an improvement on the ideal gas law that takes into account the finite volume of gas molecules and the attractive forces between them. It is expressed as:
(P + a * (n / V)^2) * (V - b * n) = nRT,

- P represents the pressure,
- V stands for the volume,
- n is the number of moles of gas,
- T is the temperature, and
- R is the ideal gas constant.

Now, let's analyze the given options:

1) Used to correct for the finite volume of gas molecules and the attractive forces between molecules: This statement accurately describes the role of constants a and b in the van der Waals equation.

2) Equal to each other for any real gas: Constants a and b are specific to each gas and are not equal to each other.

3) Used to correct for the difference between Celsius and Kelvin: Constants a and b are independent of the temperature scale used and do not correct for the difference between Celsius and Kelvin.

4) Equal to 1 for ideal gases: Constants a and b are not equal to 1 for ideal gases. In fact, in the limit of ideal gases, a and b become negligible and do not affect the calculations significantly.

5) Used to correct for the fact that collisions of gas molecules are not really completely elastic: Constants a and b do account for the interaction between gas molecules, but they do not specifically correct for the elastic collisions.

Based on this analysis, the correct answer is option 1) - Constants a and b are used to correct for the finite volume of gas molecules and the attractive forces between molecules in the van der Waals equation.