A block attached to a spring with unknown spring constant oscillates with a period of 7.0 s. Parts a to d are independent questions, each referring to the initial situation. What is the period if...

The mass is doubled?

The mass is halved?

The amplitude is doubled?

The spring constant is doubled?

Physics is so not my subject, I need help!

Period of oscilation is proprtional to the square root of Mass and inversely proprtional to the square root of k, the spring constant. It is independent of amplitude.

Use that fact to figure out the asnwers to those questions.

I don't have any other information though except for what is in the original question.

you suck at answering qestions

No worries! I'm here to help you understand these concepts better. Let's break down each question and learn how to solve them step by step.

To find the period of oscillation, we need to use the formula: T = 2π√(m/k), where T is the period of oscillation, m is the mass of the object, and k is the spring constant.

a) If the mass is doubled:
To find the new period, we can simply substitute the new mass into the formula and solve for T.

T_new = 2π√((2m)/k)
= 2π√(2(m/k))
= √2 * (2π√(m/k))
= √2 * T_initial

Therefore, if the mass is doubled, the period will increase by a factor of √2 (approximately 1.414).

b) If the mass is halved:
Similarly, to find the new period, we substitute the new mass into the formula and solve for T.

T_new = 2π√((m/2)/k)
= 2π√((m/k)/2)
= 0.707 * (2π√(m/k))
= 0.707 * T_initial

Therefore, if the mass is halved, the period will decrease by a factor of approximately 0.707.

c) If the amplitude is doubled:
The amplitude does not affect the period of oscillation. So, the period remains unchanged.

d) If the spring constant is doubled:
Again, we substitute the new spring constant into the formula and solve for T.

T_new = 2π√(m/(2k))
= (1/√2) * (2π√(m/k))
= (1/√2) * T_initial

Therefore, if the spring constant is doubled, the period will decrease by a factor of approximately 0.707.

I hope that clears things up! Let me know if you have any further questions.

You should not need any more information than I already provided