how can i make the content equal the same %? what did i do wrong?

Lunch: Ground nut protein

Fat content = 3.5 grams
1 gram contains fat of 9 calories
2 grams contain fat of 9 x 3.5 = 31.5 calories
Total quantity = 320 calories
Fat content = (31.5/320) x 100 = 9.84%

Protein content = 8 g
1 gram contains protein of 4 calories
8 grams contain protein of 8x4 = 32 calories
Total quantity = 320 calories
Protein content = (32/360) x 100 = 8.89%

To make the content equal the same percentage, you need to adjust the quantities of fat and protein so that they both make up the same percentage of the total calories.

In your example, the fat content is 9.84% and the protein content is 8.89%. To make them the same percentage, you need to adjust one of them.

Let's say you want both fat and protein to be 10% of the total calories. Here's how you can calculate the quantities.

First, calculate the total calories needed for 10% fat and 10% protein:
Total calories = (100 / 10) x 320 = 3200 calories

Next, calculate the quantity of fat needed for 10% fat:
Fat calories = (10 / 100) x 3200 = 320 calories
Since 1 gram of fat contains 9 calories:
Fat quantity = 320 / 9 = 35.56 grams

Finally, calculate the quantity of protein needed for 10% protein:
Protein calories = (10 / 100) x 3200 = 320 calories
Since 1 gram of protein contains 4 calories:
Protein quantity = 320 / 4 = 80 grams

So, to make both fat and protein equal to 10% of the total calories, you need to have 35.56 grams of fat and 80 grams of protein.

To find out what you did wrong in your calculation, you should check your formula for calculating the percentage. For the fat content, you divided by 320 instead of 360. Similarly, for the protein content, you multiplied by 9 instead of 4. Check your calculations for accuracy and make the necessary corrections.

To make the fat and protein content equal the same percentage, you can adjust the quantities. Here's the breakdown of the calculations and what you need to do:

1. Calculate the total calories for the fat and protein separately:
- Fat content: 2 grams contain 31.5 calories
- Protein content: 8 grams contain 32 calories

2. Calculate the total quantity of calories:
- Total quantity = 320 calories

3. Calculate the percentage of fat content:
- Fat content percentage = (31.5 / 320) x 100 = 9.84%

4. Calculate the percentage of protein content:
- Protein content percentage = (32 / 320) x 100 = 10%

To make the fat and protein content equal the same percentage, you need to adjust the quantities until they are both 10%. Here's how you can do that:

1. Start with the fat content as it is: 2 grams contain 31.5 calories.

2. Calculate the desired fat content percentage:
- Desired fat content percentage = 10%

3. Calculate the target total quantity of calories:
- Target total quantity = (31.5 / (10/100)) = 315 calories

4. Calculate the quantity of protein needed to achieve the desired percentage:
- Protein quantity = (315 - 31.5) / 4 = 70.125 grams

To make the fat and protein content equal 10%, you would need 2 grams of fat and 70.125 grams of protein. Adjusting the quantities accordingly will make the fat and protein content equal percentages.