How many calories are required to raise the temperature of 24.4 g of water by 27.8°C

To calculate the number of calories required to raise the temperature of a substance, we need to use the formula:

Q = m * c * ΔT

Q is the heat energy in calories
m is the mass of the substance in grams
c is the specific heat capacity of the substance in calories per gram Celsius
ΔT is the change in temperature in Celsius

In this case, we have the following values:
m = 24.4 g (mass of water)
ΔT = 27.8°C (change in temperature)

For water, the specific heat capacity is approximately 1 calorie per gram Celsius (c = 1 cal/g°C).

Now, let's substitute these values into the formula:

Q = 24.4 g * 1 cal/g°C * 27.8°C

Q = 678.32 cal

Therefore, approximately 678.32 calories are required to raise the temperature of 24.4 g of water by 27.8°C.