Beautiful harmony comes from things that are in opposition to one another [Heraclitus

ok i need to write my personal philosophy and i cant think of any examples of this quote for my body pargraphs...except velcrow..i don't think that a good one thought lol...

maybe if you can think of a good example.....anything that would be not so difficult to write about?? i don't know i have writers block

Velcro is a good metaphor for this quote. :-)

In relationships, we often note that opposites attract. An outgoing woman who likes being with people may marry an introvert who prefers his own company. Each person benefits from the opposite traits of the other. The woman may learn to be more introspective, while the man may gain more self-confidence and occasionally enjoy the company of others.

A diplomatic peacemaker may tone down the argumentativeness of a friend. In return, the peacemaker may learn to be more assertive about his/her wants.

Many other opposite combinations also can prduce beautiful harmony: art and math, organized and disorganized, academic and practical. Ideally, we have opposite traits within us that balance each other and help us live more interesting and complete lives.

When exploring Heraclitus' quote "Beautiful harmony comes from things that are in opposition to one another," it can be helpful to think about various concepts and examples that showcase the idea of opposing elements yielding harmony. Here are a few examples that you can consider for your body paragraphs:

1. Yin and Yang: In Chinese philosophy, the concept of yin and yang symbolizes the duality and interconnectedness of opposite forces. Yin represents darkness, passivity, and the feminine, while Yang represents light, activity, and the masculine. The harmony between these opposing forces is believed to create balance and wholeness.

2. Music: In music, harmony is created by the combination of opposing musical notes and chords. Dissonant chords and harmonies that do not initially seem to fit together can create tension and intrigue in a composition. However, when resolved or reconciled with the right progression, they result in beautiful harmonies, demonstrating how opposing elements can come together to create something pleasing and balanced.

3. Nature: Look at nature and observe how opposing elements coexist and contribute to harmony. For example, the sun and the moon, day and night, or the changing seasons can be seen as opposing forces that work together to create a rhythmic and beautiful balance in the natural world.

4. Relationships: Within relationships, different personalities, interests, and perspectives often bring contrasting qualities. However, it is through the recognition and appreciation of these differences that harmony can be achieved. By embracing and respecting each other's opposition, relationships can grow stronger and more harmonious.

Remember, these are just a few examples to help you get started. Use these as inspiration and expand upon them in your own writing, expressing your unique perspective on how beautiful harmony can emerge from opposing elements.