I need to figure out if 57 people took a survey and 3 of them scored a (3), 31 of them scored a (4) and 23 of them scored a (5), what was the average score and how did you figure that out?

total score = 3(3) + 31(4) + 23(5) = 248

avg score = 248/57 = 4.35

(visualize the following:
3+3+3+4+4+....+4+5+5+...+5 )

To find the average score, we need to sum up the scores of all the respondents and divide it by the total number of respondents. In this case, we multiply the number of respondents by their respective scores and add them together to find the sum of scores.

First, let's calculate the total score for each score category:
- Number of respondents who scored 3: 3 x 3 = 9
- Number of respondents who scored 4: 31 x 4 = 124
- Number of respondents who scored 5: 23 x 5 = 115

Now, let's calculate the total sum of all scores:
9 + 124 + 115 = 248

Since we know that there were 57 respondents, we can calculate the average score by dividing the total sum of scores (248) by the number of respondents (57):
Average score = 248 / 57 ≈ 4.35

Therefore, the average score is approximately 4.35.