On the text from BEH/225 on the book Personality Ch.11 pp. 421 on the summary table Defence Mechanisms. What defense mechanisms have you noticed in the people around you? What do you see as the advantages and disadvantages of these defence mechnaisms?

Please notice that the questions include the word "you." Your instructor wants to know what YOU have noticed, what YOU see...

Please write up your thoughts and post them here, and a tutor will be happy to comment on your thoughts.


Good afternoon. The reward of a thing well done is to have done it.

I am from Burundi and also now am reading in English, give true I wrote the following sentence: "Many of the topical flea treatments they make today, such as advantage, the flea life cycle consists of four distinct stages, and during.An introduction to the biology, classification and ecology of fleas."

Best regards ;), Art.

Good afternoon. Nothing inspires forgiveness quite like revenge.

I am from Mongolia and learning to read in English, tell me right I wrote the following sentence: "The karuneegars' closest securities are areas who are made to product as however."

With respect :P, Safina.

To answer the question about defense mechanisms observed in the people around you, I'm afraid I cannot directly access the text from BEH/225 or any specific book. However, I can still provide a general explanation of defense mechanisms and give you examples that are commonly observed in people.

Defense mechanisms are psychological strategies that individuals unconsciously use to cope with anxiety or protect themselves from unacceptable thoughts, feelings, or impulses. Here are a few commonly observed defense mechanisms:

1. Denial: Refusing to acknowledge the existence of a painful or distressing reality. For example, someone who has a drinking problem denying that they have any issue with alcohol.

2. Projection: Attributing one's own unacceptable thoughts, feelings, or motives to others. For instance, someone who is dishonest accusing others of being untrustworthy.

3. Rationalization: Creating logical-sounding explanations or justifications for irrational or unacceptable behavior. For example, a student failing a test might blame their poor performance on an unfair system rather than accepting personal responsibility.

4. Repression: Pushing distressing thoughts or memories out of conscious awareness. For instance, someone involved in a traumatic event may not remember certain aspects of the event due to repression.

Now, let's discuss the advantages and disadvantages of defense mechanisms:

- Reduced anxiety: Defense mechanisms provide temporary relief from anxiety or distress by avoiding or distorting the reality.
- Protection of self-esteem: By employing defense mechanisms, individuals preserve their self-image and protect themselves from feelings of guilt, shame, or inadequacy.

- Distorted perception: Defense mechanisms distort reality, leading to a lack of accurate self-understanding and an inability to effectively address problems.
- Interpersonal difficulties: Certain defense mechanisms like projection or displacement can strain relationships and hinder effective communication.
- Unresolved issues: Reliance on defense mechanisms may prevent individuals from addressing the root causes of their anxieties or unresolved conflicts, which can lead to long-term psychological issues.

It's important to note that defense mechanisms are a normal part of human psychology, and everyone employs them to some extent. However, when they become excessive, inflexible, or interfere with daily functioning, it can be helpful to seek professional help, such as therapy, to work through underlying issues and develop healthier coping strategies.