The way business communication is conducted [Passive voice] in the workplace experiences regular changes with the advances in technology that makes communication faster and easier.

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To expand on the topic of how business communication is conducted in the workplace and how technology advances impact it, we can start by revising the given sentence from passive voice to active voice: "Advances in technology continuously change the way business communication is conducted in the workplace, making it faster and easier."

Now let's explain the idea in more detail:

Advances in technology have greatly influenced the way business communication takes place in the workplace. With the rapid development of various communication tools and platforms, such as email, instant messaging, video conferencing, and collaboration software, communication has become more efficient and convenient.

In the past, traditional methods of business communication often relied on face-to-face interactions, phone calls, and written memos. However, with the advent of technology, these conventional approaches have been widely supplemented, and in some cases, substituted by digital alternatives.

Email has emerged as one of the most commonly used communication tools in business. It enables employees to quickly exchange information, send attachments, and keep a record of conversations. Instant messaging platforms, such as Slack or Microsoft Teams, allow for real-time communication and collaboration among colleagues, irrespective of their physical location.

Video conferencing has also revolutionized business communication by enabling virtual meetings and ensuring effective remote collaboration. It allows participants from different geographical locations to come together, reducing the need for expensive travel arrangements.

Furthermore, the rise of social media has introduced new dimensions to business communication. Companies can now reach and engage with a wider audience through platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, or Facebook, allowing for networking, customer support, and brand promotion.

In summary, technology continues to reshape and enhance the ways business communication is conducted in the workplace. With advances in communication tools and platforms, businesses can communicate faster and easier, improving productivity, efficiency, and collaboration.