A 1.25kg mass stretches a vertical spring 0.215m.If the spring is stretches an additional 0.130m and released,

(a)how long does it take to reach the equilibrium position again?
(b)Write an equation giving its position y as a function of time t.
(c)What will be its maximum speed and maximum acceleration?

(a) How long does it take to reach the equilibrium position again?

Well, it really depends on how fast the mass decides to get its act together and stop stretching that poor spring. You know, some masses have commitment issues and just love to drag things out. But let's give it the benefit of the doubt and assume it's a quick learner.

To find the time it takes, we can use the formula for the period of a mass-spring system:

T = 2π√(m/k),

where T is the period, m is the mass, and k is the spring constant. In this case, the mass is 1.25 kg and we need to find the spring constant.

The spring constant can be calculated using Hooke's Law:

k = F/x,

where F is the force applied to the spring and x is the displacement. In this case, we know the force F is given by F = mg (mass times acceleration due to gravity) and the displacement x is the total displacement, which is 0.215m + 0.130m.

So, we have:

k = (mg)/(0.215m + 0.130m).

Now that we have the spring constant, we can plug it into our equation for the period:

T = 2π√(m/k).

And voila! That gives us the amount of time it takes for the mass to reach the equilibrium position again. But let's be honest, it's probably not as important as finding out how to entertain that mass so it stops playing with the spring. Maybe tell it a good physics joke? Just a thought.

(b) Write an equation giving its position y as a function of time t.

Hmm, let me think. A good equation that describes the position of the mass as a function of time would be:

y(t) = A * cos(ωt + φ),

where A is the amplitude (maximum displacement), ω is the angular frequency, t is the time, and φ is the phase constant.

Now, to find the values for A, ω, and φ, let's break it down:

A: The amplitude is the maximum displacement of the mass from its equilibrium position. In this case, the maximum displacement is the total displacement, which is 0.215m + 0.130m.

ω: The angular frequency is related to the period by the formula ω = 2π/T. So, we can find ω using the period we calculated earlier.

φ: The phase constant represents the initial phase of the motion. Since the mass is released from a stretched position, we can assume it starts at its maximum displacement. That means φ = 0.

Now we have all the pieces, so we can write the equation:

y(t) = (0.215m + 0.130m) * cos((2π/T)t).

(c) What will be its maximum speed and maximum acceleration?

Ah, the need for speed! To find the maximum speed and acceleration, we should look at the behavior of the mass-spring system when it reaches its extreme points.

At the maximum displacement, the mass momentarily stops and changes direction. This means its velocity is zero at the extreme points. So, the maximum speed occurs at the equilibrium position.

Now, since we have the equation for position as a function of time, we can find the velocity and acceleration by taking the derivatives:

v(t) = -Aω * sin(ωt + φ),

a(t) = -Aω^2 * cos(ωt + φ).

To find the maximum speed, we need to find when the velocity is a maximum. That happens when the sine function is at its maximum value of 1. So, for v(t) = -Aω * sin(ωt + φ) to be at its maximum, we need sin(ωt + φ) = 1, which means ωt + φ = π/2. Solving for t:

t = (π/2 - φ)/ω.

Substituting the values for ω and φ from earlier, we can find the time t when the speed is at its maximum. Then we can plug that value into the equation for velocity to find the maximum speed.

As for the maximum acceleration, we need to find when the cosine function is at its maximum value of 1. That happens when ωt + φ = 0, since cos(0) = 1. Again, solving for t:

t = -φ/ω.

Plugging this into the equation for acceleration, we can find the maximum acceleration.

Well, I hope all these calculations didn't give you a headache. Remember, it's important to approach physics problems with a sense of humor. If all else fails, just imagine the mass bouncing up and down doing a little spring dance. That should lighten the mood a bit.

To solve this problem, we will use the equations of motion for a mass-spring system.

(a) To find the time it takes for the mass to reach the equilibrium position again, we first need to calculate the time period of oscillation. The time period is the time it takes for one complete cycle.

The formula for the time period (T) of an oscillating mass-spring system is given by:

T = 2π√(m/k)

where m is the mass (1.25 kg) and k is the spring constant.

To find the spring constant, we can use Hooke's Law, which states that the force exerted by a spring is directly proportional to the displacement of the spring from its equilibrium position.

F = kx

where F is the force exerted by the spring, k is the spring constant, and x is the displacement.

In this case, when the mass stretches the spring 0.215 m, the force exerted by the spring is equal to the weight of the mass:

F = mg

where g is the acceleration due to gravity (9.8 m/s²).

So, we can write:

kx = mg

k(0.215 m) = (1.25 kg)(9.8 m/s²)

k = (1.25 kg)(9.8 m/s²) / (0.215 m)

Now we can calculate the time period:

T = 2π√(m/k)
T = 2π√(1.25 kg) / ((1.25 kg)(9.8 m/s²) / (0.215 m))
T = 2π√(0.215 m)(9.8 m/s²)
T = 2π√(2.107 m²/s²)
T ≈ 3.664 s

Therefore, it takes approximately 3.664 seconds for the mass to reach the equilibrium position again.

(b) To write the equation giving the position y as a function of time t, we can use the general equation for simple harmonic motion:

y = A cos(ωt)

where A is the amplitude of the oscillation (initial displacement), ω is the angular frequency, and t is the time.

From the given data, the amplitude A is 0.215 m.

The angular frequency ω is given by:

ω = 2π / T

ω = 2π / 3.664 s

Substituting the values into the equation, we get:

y = 0.215 cos((2π / 3.664) t)

So, the equation giving the position y as a function of time t is y = 0.215 cos((2π / 3.664) t).

(c) To find the maximum speed and maximum acceleration, we need to differentiate the position equation with respect to time.

Velocity (v) is the first derivative of the position equation:

v = dy/dt = -0.215 (2π / 3.664) sin((2π / 3.664) t)

Acceleration (a) is the second derivative of the position equation:

a = dv/dt = -0.215 (2π / 3.664)² cos((2π / 3.664) t)

To find the maximum speed, we set the velocity equation equal to zero and solve for t:

0 = -0.215 (2π / 3.664) sin((2π / 3.664) t)
sin((2π / 3.664) t) = 0

The maximum speed occurs when sin((2π / 3.664) t) = 1, which happens at t = T/4, where T is the time period.

So, the maximum speed occurs at t = (3.664 s) / 4 = 0.916 s.

Substituting this value into the velocity equation, we can find the maximum speed:

v_max = -0.215 (2π / 3.664) sin((2π / 3.664) (0.916 s))

To find the maximum acceleration, we set the acceleration equation equal to zero and solve for t:

0 = -0.215 (2π / 3.664)² cos((2π / 3.664) t)
cos((2π / 3.664) t) = 0

The maximum acceleration occurs when cos((2π / 3.664) t) = 1, which happens when t = ((3.664 s) / 4) + T/2.

So, the maximum acceleration occurs at t = 0.916 s + ((3.664 s) / 2) = 2.196 s.

Substituting this value into the acceleration equation, we can find the maximum acceleration:

a_max = -0.215 (2π / 3.664)² cos((2π / 3.664) (2.196 s))

To answer these questions, we need to understand the concepts of mass-spring systems and harmonic motion. Let's break down the problem step by step:

(a) Finding the time it takes to reach the equilibrium position again:
The time it takes for an object to complete one full oscillation, reaching the equilibrium position and then returning to it, is called the period (T). The period of an object in simple harmonic motion can be calculated using the formula:

T = 2π√(m/k)

T is the period (in seconds)
m is the mass of the object (in kilograms)
k is the spring constant (in N/m)

In this case, the mass is given as 1.25 kg. However, we need to find the spring constant (k) first. The spring constant relates to the stiffness of the spring and can be found using Hooke's Law:

F = -kx

F is the applied force (in Newtons)
k is the spring constant (in N/m)
x is the displacement from the equilibrium position (in meters)

From the given information, we know that the applied force causing the displacement is the weight of the object, which can be calculated as:

F = mg

m is the mass (in kilograms)
g is the acceleration due to gravity (approximately 9.8 m/s^2)

By substituting the values, we can find the force and then the spring constant:

F = (1.25 kg) × (9.8 m/s^2) = 12.25 N

Now, substituting this force and the displacement value (x = 0.215 m) into Hooke's Law, we can solve for the spring constant, k:

12.25 N = -k(0.215 m)

Simplifying the equation:

k ≈ -12.25 N ÷ 0.215 m ≈ -57.0 N/m

Note that the negative sign indicates that the force of the spring is acting in the opposite direction of the displacement.

Now, we can substitute the values of mass (m) and spring constant (k) into the formula for the period (T):

T = 2π√(m/k)
T = 2π√(1.25 kg/(-57.0 N/m))


T ≈ 2π√(0.0219 s^2/kg)

Using a calculator:

T ≈ 0.938 seconds

Therefore, it takes approximately 0.938 seconds for the mass-spring system to reach the equilibrium position again.

(b) Writing an equation for position (y) as a function of time (t):
For an object in simple harmonic motion, the equation for the position (y) as a function of time (t) can be expressed as:

y = A cos(ωt + φ)

y is the position (in meters),
A is the amplitude (in meters) - the maximum displacement from the equilibrium position,
ω is the angular frequency (in radians/second) - determined by ω = 2π/T where T is the period,
t is the time (in seconds),
φ is the phase constant (in radians/degrees).

In our case, the amplitude (A) is the total displacement from the equilibrium position, given as 0.215 m + 0.130 m = 0.345 m. We already calculated the period (T) as 0.938 seconds, which allows us to determine the angular frequency (ω) using ω = 2π/T:

ω ≈ 2π/0.938 ≈ 6.69 rad/s

Since the object is initially at its equilibrium position (y = 0) when released, the phase constant (φ) can be set to zero.

Thus, the equation for position (y) as a function of time (t) can be written as:

y = 0.345 cos(6.69t)

(c) Finding the maximum speed and maximum acceleration:
In simple harmonic motion, the maximum speed occurs at the equilibrium position (y = 0). At this point, the object reaches its maximum displacement in one direction and then starts moving back towards the equilibrium position. The maximum speed (vmax) can be determined by calculating the derivative of the position equation with respect to time and substituting t = 0:

vmax = |dy/dt| = |-0.345 × 6.69 × sin(6.69t)|

At t = 0, vmax = |0.345 × 6.69 × sin(0)| = 0

Therefore, the maximum speed is 0 m/s.

The maximum acceleration occurs at the maximum displacement points in either direction. Using the equation for acceleration (a = -ω²y), we can determine the maximum acceleration (amax) by substituting the maximum displacement (y = 0.345 m) into the equation:

amax = -ω²y = -6.69² × 0.345 ≈ -8.82 m/s²

Therefore, the maximum speed is 0 m/s, and the maximum acceleration is approximately -8.82 m/s². Note that the negative sign indicates the direction of the acceleration.