Hi, I am preparing for a spanish skit for my class. Can someone check if this translation is correct.

You have a great smile and great hair to match it. --> Tienes una gran sonrisa y el pelo muy a su altura.


el pelo muy a su altura? = hair very at your height?

What you should do is write the Spanish and then what you believe to be the English . For a skit, this is certainly not long enough!


Incomprensible la segunda parte. Match= aparejar, empatar; pero en este caso seria mejor igualar.

Hi! I can help you with that. Your translation is almost correct, but there are a few changes you need to make to make it accurate.

Here's the corrected version:
"Tienes una gran sonrisa y el pelo que le queda muy bien" or "Tienes una gran sonrisa y el pelo que le acompaña muy bien".

To explain this correction:
1. "A su altura" translates as "at your height" instead of "to match it." In this context, you want to express that the hair matches the smile, so using "a su altura" doesn't convey the intended meaning.
2. "Le queda" or "le acompaña" is used to express that something suits or matches someone. In this case, it is used to convey that the hair matches or suits the person's smile.

Hope this helps, and good luck with your Spanish skit!