Which of the following represents the graph of y=f(x) first shifted down 1 and reflected in the x-axis?

a) y=f(-x)-1
d) y=abs(f(x-1))

why and how do you know

Which of the following equations represents the graph of

after stretching vertically by the factor of 2?

To answer this question, we need to understand how each operation affects the original function.

First, let's consider the original function, y = f(x).

1. Shifting down 1: To shift a function down by a certain value, we subtract that value from the function. Therefore, y = f(x) shifted down 1 would be y = f(x) - 1.

2. Reflecting in the x-axis: To reflect a function in the x-axis, we take the negative of the function's y-values. So if the original function is y = f(x), the reflected function in the x-axis would be y = -f(x).

Now let's analyze the answer choices:

a) y = f(-x) - 1: This answer choice represents the original function being reflected horizontally (by replacing x with -x) but does not include the reflection in the x-axis. Therefore, it is not the correct answer.

b) y = -(f(x) - 1): This answer choice includes both the reflection in the x-axis (taking the negative of the function f(x)) and the shift down 1 (subtracting 1 from the function). So, this represents the graph of y = f(x) first shifted down 1 and then reflected in the x-axis. We can consider this answer as a possibility.

c) y = -f(x) - 1: This answer choice includes the reflection in the x-axis but does not include the shift down 1. Therefore, it does not represent the correct transformation.

d) y = abs(f(x-1)): This answer choice represents the absolute value of the original function with a horizontal shift of 1 unit to the right. It does not involve the reflection in the x-axis or the shift down 1, so it does not represent the correct transformation.

In conclusion, the correct answer is b) y = -(f(x) - 1).