Which phrase best describes the style of Rodin's sculptures? psychological and unfinished, Neo-Classical yet light-hearted, unfinished and light-hearted, unfinished yet polished?

I think it is unfinished and light-hearted.

Those are your only choices? I don't think "light-hearted" could be applied to his work!

Here are several sites with various descriptions. Let us know what you think after you've gone through these.




I looked at many of his sculptures such as The Walking Man, The Kiss, Adam and Eve, The Gates of Hell. I think most of them appear to be finished, but I'm going to go with unfinished yet polished.

Psychological strikes me, too, in most of them!

I'm just going to put Psychological and unfinished because polished doesn't sound right, thanks.

To find the answer to this question, one can use a combination of art history knowledge and research. Auguste Rodin, a prominent sculptor of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, is known for his innovative approach to sculpture.

Rodin's sculptures are often described as psychological and unfinished. He was interested in capturing the inner emotions and complexities of his subjects, going beyond the surface representation. His works often showcase the human form in various states of motion, contemplation, or intensity, highlighting the psychological aspects of his subjects.

While Rodin certainly explored psychological themes, describing his sculptures as "unfinished and light-hearted" may not be entirely accurate. Rodin's style is characterized by his ability to capture movement and emotion, while also bringing a sense of realism and depth to his sculptures. His works were often highly detailed and meticulously crafted, giving them a polished appearance even if they were not classically "finished" in the traditional sense.

In terms of the given options, "psychological and unfinished" seems to be the most accurate phrase to describe the style of Rodin's sculptures.