Each of the follwing sentences need to be re-written so they are grammatically correct, also they each have one grammaitical error such as subject-verb agrrement, run on sentence, verb form and tense or sentence fragment. please help

1. The bank robber escaped from the bank. With some money.
2. That brand of car goes very fast, which is why many people wants them.
3. Grammar quizzes can be tough there is a lot to learn it is hard to remember I find that it gets easier.
with practice.
4. Can I call you back? I am try to escape from the giant monster attacking the warehouse.

We'll be glad to HELP you.

1. Sentence fragment.
Correction: The bank robber escaped from the bank with some money.

Please post your answers for the other sentences, and we'll check them for you.

2.run-on sentence

correction: That brand of car goes very fast; which is why many people want them.
3.verb tense
Grammar quizzes can be tough. There is a lot to learn, and remember. I find that it gets easier with practice.
4.subject verb agreement
Can I call you back? I am trying to escape from the giant monster attacking the warehouse.

Are the answers above correct? Please help.

With one exception, you corrections are fine.

Your reasons for each one, however, are not correct -- not any of them.

Please re-think.

2. You're right to change wants to want. However, it is not a run-on sentence. It's a complex sentence with an independent and a dependent clause.

3. I don't see any verb tense error. You're right to break this run-on into separate sentences.

4. Your correction is right, but it's a verb tense problem, not a subject-verb agreement problem.

In addition to what Ms. Sue has told you, there should NOT be a semicolon in #2. How will you fix that?

1. The bank robber escaped from the bank, with some money.

Explanation: The issue in this sentence is a sentence fragment. To make it grammatically correct, we can combine the two fragments into one complete sentence.

2. That brand of car goes very fast, which is why many people want them.
Explanation: The error here is subject-verb disagreement. The subject "people" is plural and requires the verb "want," not "wants."

3. Grammar quizzes can be tough because there is a lot to learn, and it is hard to remember. However, I find that it gets easier with practice.
Explanation: This sentence is a run-on sentence and lacks proper punctuation. To correct it, we can add appropriate conjunctions to connect the related independent clauses and use proper punctuation to separate them.

4. Can I call you back? I am trying to escape from the giant monster attacking the warehouse.
Explanation: The error here is a verb form and tense issue. "Try" should be in its present participle form, "trying," to indicate the ongoing action in the present.