Our debating topic is 'That good news is not news.'

I am on the negative team so I am saying that good news is, in fact news. I personally believe the good news really isn't news and so I'm struggling to debate for the negative team. I am the first speaker.

So far, I have come up with:
-effects of good news and bad news on the mind (think age groups)
-positivity (good news strengthens the soul)
-good news is inspiring. (japan earthquake and queensland flood heroes, opportunity for young people who have become successful to have their moment in the spotlight)
-there is hope for the sick, injured and suffering when good news is given to them.

what else can i mention?
thanks so much!

Your ideas are very good.

However, I'd emphasize the dictionary definitions of "news" and "newsworthy." By those definitions, good news is certainly newsworthy.



As the first speaker for the negative team in the debate topic "That good news is not news," you have already made some good points. To further support your argument, consider the following additional points:

1. Audience preference: Good news has a wide appeal and is often favored by the audience. News outlets understand this and cater to the demand for positive stories as they recognize the positive impact it can have on people's mood and overall emotional well-being.

2. Social cohesion: Good news stories often uplift and unite communities, fostering a sense of togetherness and hope. These stories can focus on acts of kindness, charity, or successful achievements, which promote a sense of unity and inspire individuals to engage in positive actions.

3. Human interest: Good news stories have a unique ability to capture interest and evoke emotions. People are naturally drawn to stories that evoke joy, inspiration, or relief from everyday stress. Such stories provide a break from negativity and offer a glimpse into the brighter side of life.

4. Balance: Including good news alongside negative news provides a more comprehensive and balanced view of the world. While negative news is important for awareness and critical understanding, good news helps to counterbalance the negativity and reminds us that there is also positivity and progress happening in the world.

5. Motivation and empowerment: Good news stories can inspire individuals to take action, whether it's making positive changes in their own lives or contributing to causes that aim for the greater good. By highlighting examples of success and resilience, good news can motivate and empower individuals to overcome challenges and work towards a better future.

Remember, in your speech, it's important to provide concrete examples, statistics, and anecdotes to support your points. This will strengthen the credibility of your arguments and help your audience connect with your perspective. Good luck with your debate!