Pretend that you writing to the editor of your local newspaper. Your purpose is to convince its readers that rather than solely relying on e-mail, people should mail a letter to their loved ones every now and then. Following is your first draft.

Every now and then, instead of using e-mail, mail a letter to your grandparents. We live in a fast-paced world. We feel comfortable using computers to send e-mails and Instant Message. Nana doesn’t live in that time zone. Forget all those fancy fonts and emoticons or abbreviations like LOL. You point and click but Grandpa wants to hold something, unwrap a letter and smell it. A crayoned picture smells special, no scanner can do that. Their senses want to be used. He lives in a physical world, not an invisible one. Grandparents can touch something that is mailed. Sometimes as if touching the ink or pencil on paper helps them touch the writer. A picture can be held and used in so many ways. I get to see my grandkids’ handwriting is changing as they grow. I know how they feel just from the way they write the words. Give your grandparents the real thing that exists in time and space. Something to cherish rather than to be deleted.

instant messages (not capitalized)

special; no scanner (run-on sentence)

Sometimes, touching the ink or pencil on paper helps them

You could take some of the simple sentences and combine them into a complex one, to make this more "sophisticated."


Subject: Embrace the Power of Mailing Letters to Your Loved Ones

Dear Editor,

I am writing to you today to share a perspective that I believe is often overlooked in our fast-paced, technology-driven world. While electronic communication through emails and instant messaging has become the norm, there is still immense value in sending a physical letter to our loved ones every now and then.

In this age of computers and digital communication, it is easy to forget that not everyone lives in the same time zone. Our grandparents, in particular, often belong to an older generation that might not fully embrace technology. Nana or Grandpa may not be fluent in fancy fonts, emoticons, or abbreviations like LOL. Instead, they prefer the simpler, more tangible experiences that only physical letters can provide.

When we send a mailed letter, we are giving our loved ones something they can hold, unwrap, and physically interact with. Think about the joy of receiving a hand-written letter, especially when it comes from someone dear to you. The scent of the paper, the feeling of running fingers over the ink or pencil markings – these nuances provide a sensory experience that cannot be replicated through a computer screen.

When you mail a letter, you are giving your grandparents a piece of you that they can touch. The act itself has a profound effect on them. It brings back memories of a time when communication was through physical means, and the preservation of letters as cherished keepsakes holds sentimental value. It may seem simple, but a picture drawn by a grandchild, for instance, carries a special scent that no scanner can capture. It becomes a tangible touchstone, a physical representation of the bond between the generations.

Moreover, there is something deeply personal about receiving a letter that contains the writer's own handwriting. As we watch our grandkids grow and develop, their handwriting evolves and transforms alongside them. By seeing their words on paper, we gain insight into their emotions, their growth, and their personality. Handwriting carries the essence of the writer, and through it, our grandparents can connect with us on a more profound level.

Let us not forget the power of the real, tangible world that exists beyond the digital realm. By mailing a letter, we are giving our loved ones the opportunity to experience something that exists in time and space, something that can be held and cherished. It is a gesture that signifies thoughtfulness, care, and love. In an era where everything can be deleted with a click, let us give our grandparents something that cannot be deleted - something to treasure forever.

So, I urge our readers to take a step back from the immediate gratification of electronic communication, and every now and then, take the time to write and mail a letter to their loved ones. It is a simple yet deeply meaningful gesture that honors our heritage, strengthens family bonds, and provides a lasting connection between generations.

[Your Name]