Can you please check these sentences on phrasal verbs, please? Thank you very much in advance. (I don't know if their use is correct).

1) The plane will lift off at 9.00 o'clock.
2) They will head off at six a.m. tomorrow.
3) He cleared off without saying goodbye.
4) He usually dozes off on the sofa after lunch.
5) His behaviour has put me off the idea of going on holiday together.
6) I managed to turn him off the idea of moving into a new house.
She didn't get offended by his remark; she just laughed it off.
7)I think you should laugh it off when someone criticizes you.

Those are all correct.

Sure! I'd be happy to check these sentences for you. Here are my observations:

1) The plane will lift off at 9:00 o'clock.
The use of the phrasal verb "lift off" is correct here, indicating that the plane will take off or depart at 9:00.

2) They will head off at six a.m. tomorrow.
The use of "head off" is correct, which means they will leave or start their journey at six in the morning tomorrow.

3) He cleared off without saying goodbye.
The use of "cleared off" is correct, which means he left suddenly or quickly without saying goodbye.

4) He usually dozes off on the sofa after lunch.
The use of "dozes off" is correct, indicating that he falls asleep or naps on the sofa after having lunch.

5) His behavior has put me off the idea of going on holiday together.
The use of "put off" is correct here. It means his behavior has made you lose interest or feel discouraged about the idea of going on holiday together.

6) I managed to turn him off the idea of moving into a new house.
The use of "turn off" is correct. It means you successfully influenced or convinced him to lose interest or abandon the idea of moving into a new house.

7) She didn't get offended by his remark; she just laughed it off.
The use of "laughed it off" is correct. It means she dismissed or treated his remark as unimportant or humorous instead of feeling offended.

8) I think you should laugh it off when someone criticizes you.
The use of "laugh it off" is correct. It means you should respond to criticism with humor or by not taking it too seriously.

Overall, the use of the phrasal verbs in these sentences appears to be correct. Well done!