A reflection maps the point (2, 3) to the point (-2, 3).

It is a reflection over the

..over the y axis. The y value remains the same. The x value changes sign

vertical line x = 0.

To understand why the reflection is over the vertical line x = 0, let's break down the reflection process.

A reflection is a transformation that flips a shape or object across a line, known as the line of reflection. In this case, the transformation reflects the point (2, 3) to the point (-2, 3).

When a point is reflected over a vertical line, the x-coordinate remains the same, but the y-coordinate gets negated. This means that the x-coordinate of the reflected point will be the same as the original point, while the y-coordinate will have the opposite sign.

So, if the point (2, 3) gets reflected over a vertical line, the resulting point will have an x-coordinate of -2 (the same as the original), and a y-coordinate of 3 with the opposite sign, which is still 3.

Therefore, we can conclude that the reflection is over the vertical line x = 0.