The way you see and define your self is known as your

a) self-esteem
b)self concept
c)social identity
d)self-esteem variability
is a correct answer? thank you

No. Please try again.

Self-esteem means that you think well of yourself.

Self-concept is what think of yourself.

Social identity is how you think others view you.

I'm not sure how to define self-esteem variability.

thank you ,probably is self esteem variability,because this is the average level or what people's evaluations of themselves are like on average THANK YOU AGAIN :)

I disagree.

The way you see and define your self is known as your self-concept.

I agree with Ms. Sue.

Yes, the correct answer is b) self-concept. Self-concept refers to the way you perceive and define yourself, including your beliefs, values, personality traits, abilities, and physical characteristics. It encompasses your self-image, self-beliefs, and self-evaluations. Self-esteem (option a) is related to self-concept, but it specifically refers to your overall evaluation of your self-worth or how you feel about yourself. Social identity (option c) refers to the part of your self-concept that is derived from belonging to particular social groups, such as nationality, gender, or religion. Self-esteem variability (option d) is not directly related to the way you define yourself and is not the correct answer.