I need someone to let me know if I answered these two questions correctly.

1st Question

Amy knows that when she runs over and stands quietly by her grandfather's chair, he will reach over and tickle her under her chin. When a child learns to behave in a specific way to obtain a specific result, what is occurring? Operant conditioning

A) habituation

B) classical conditioning

C) operant conditioning= (This is my choice)

D) social learning

2nd Question

Babies first wave their arms, then move their hands toward objects, and finally use their fingers. This sequence exemplifies which principle of development? Cephalocaudal

A) general-to-specific

B) cephalocaudal = This is my choice

c) proximodistal

D) central-to-peripheral

the first is right, go to the head of the class.

the second is terrible, hang your head in shame. Look the words up if you don't know what they mean.


Based on the information provided, your answers to both questions appear to be correct.

To arrive at the correct answer for the first question, you need to understand the concept of operant conditioning. Operant conditioning refers to learning that occurs through rewards and punishments for certain behaviors. In the given scenario, Amy has learned that by behaving in a specific way (running over and standing quietly by her grandfather's chair), she can obtain a specific result (her grandfather tickling her under her chin). Therefore, the correct answer is C) operant conditioning.

For the second question, you need to identify the principle of development that is exemplified by the given sequence of arm waving, hand movement towards objects, and finally using fingers. The principle being demonstrated here is cephalocaudal development, which refers to the pattern of development that proceeds from head to tail or from top to bottom. In this case, babies first gain control over their arm movements, then progress to hand movements, and finally, develop fine motor control in their fingers. Hence, your answer of B) cephalocaudal is correct.

If you want to double-check your answers, you can refer to relevant resources such as textbooks, online articles, or consult a teacher or instructor who can verify the accuracy of your responses.