How was the life of Adolf Hitler as he was growing up?

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To understand Adolf Hitler's early life, you can refer to primary and secondary sources. Here's how you can approach this question:

1. Start with primary sources: Seek autobiographical accounts or writings by Adolf Hitler himself. He wrote a memoir called Mein Kampf, published in 1925, where he discussed aspects of his childhood, family, and early experiences. Keep in mind that this source should be approached critically, as Hitler is known for manipulating facts to suit his narrative.

2. Research biographies: Read biographies written by credible historians who have extensively studied Hitler's life. These historians often rely on a variety of primary sources, including interviews, archival documents, and letters. Look for reliable authors like Ian Kershaw, Joachim Fest, or Alan Bullock.

3. Access official records: Consult official documents from institutions and organizations that have information on Hitler's early years. This may include government archives, military records, or school records. These sources can provide additional insights into his education, family life, and early career.

4. Explore historical records: Examine newspaper articles, journals, or diaries from the time period. These sources can shed light on the social and political atmosphere in which Hitler grew up and the events that influenced him.

It is essential to approach this topic with sensitivity, as Adolf Hitler was a highly controversial figure. Remember that studying history requires a critical mindset and understanding multiple perspectives to form a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter.