You have just mixed a batch of muffin batter and are ready to portion it. However you can't locate the portion or ice cream scoop. How can you evenly portion the batter without overmixing?

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If you don't have a portion or ice cream scoop handy, there are a few alternative methods you can use to evenly portion the muffin batter without overmixing.

1. Spoon and level method:
- Grab a regular tablespoon or teaspoon from your utensil drawer.
- Hold the spoon at a slight angle and scoop out a portion of batter.
- Use another spoon or your finger to level off the excess batter from the top of the spoon, ensuring an even portion.
- Gently release the batter into the muffin tin or baking cups.

2. Paper cup method:
- Obtain small paper cups, such as paper cupcake liners or mini cupcake liners.
- Place the paper cups in the muffin tin.
- Fill each cup with an equal amount of batter, either by estimating the amount or by using the spoon and level method described above.
- Make sure to evenly distribute the batter among the paper cups.

3. Ziplock bag method:
- Prepare a ziplock bag (or a piping bag if available) and scoop the muffin batter into it.
- Seal the bag and cut off one corner of the bag, creating a small opening.
- Hold the bag with one hand and squeeze the batter out of the opening, allowing it to flow directly into the muffin tin or baking cups.
- Control the flow by applying more or less pressure to the bag, ensuring consistent portions.

Remember, regardless of the method you choose, be gentle when portioning the batter to avoid overmixing. Overmixing can lead to tough muffins or activate the gluten in the batter, resulting in a denser texture.