The Greek base HELI- means?

Check this dictionary. Remember you're looking for the Greek meaning (not helicopter).

and this:

To find the meaning of the Greek root HELI-, we can break down the word into its constituent parts and explore its origin.

The root HELI- comes from the Greek word "helios," meaning "sun." "Helios" was also the name of the Greek god of the sun. The root HELI- is commonly used in words related to the sun or sunlight.

For example:
1. "Heliotrope": A plant that turns towards the sun.
2. "Heliocentric": Referring to the sun as the center of the solar system.
3. "Helium": A chemical element named after the sun, as it was first discovered in the sun's atmosphere.

In summary, the Greek root HELI- means "sun" or "sunlight," and it can help us understand various words related to the sun in English and other languages.