Al's Rentals charges $25 per hour to rent a windsurfer and a wet suit. Wendy's charges $20 per hour plus $15 extra for a wet suit. Find the number of hours for which the total charges for bot would be the same. What is the cost?

Al's --- cost = 25t

Wendy --- cost = 20t + 15

when is 25t = 20t+15 ?
5t = 15
t = 3

when t=3
cost for both is $75

You'll probably need to show your work in a different way.

1 hour >> 25 and 35
2 hours >> 50 and 55
3 hours >> 75 and 75

thanks for the help

even though it 8 years later

thanks for the help

even though its 8 years later

To find the number of hours for which the total charges for both rentals would be the same, we need to set up an equation and solve for the number of hours. Let's denote the number of hours as "h".

For Al's Rentals, the total charges can be calculated by multiplying the rental rate per hour ($25) by the number of hours (h): 25h.

For Wendy's, the total charges can be calculated by adding the rental rate per hour ($20) and the extra charge for a wet suit ($15), and then multiplying it by the number of hours (h): (20 + 15)h = 35h.

Now, we can set up the equation and solve for "h":

25h = 35h

To isolate "h", we can subtract 35h from both sides:

25h - 35h = 0


-10h = 0

Dividing both sides by -10:

h = 0

So the number of hours for which the total charges for both rentals would be the same is h = 0.

But let's double-check our calculations. When hours (h) is 0, the total charges for both rentals should be zero as well.

For Al's Rentals: 25 x 0 = 0
For Wendy's: (20 + 15) x 0 = 0

Thus, the cost is $0 for both rentals when h = 0.

However, please note that it seems there might be an error in the problem statement, as it doesn't make sense to rent equipment for zero hours.