A transformation T : (x, y) (x + 3, y + 1).

The preimage of the point (4, 3) is

4-3 = 1

3-1 = 2

To find the preimage of a point under a given transformation, you need to perform the inverse of the transformation on the given point.

In this case, the given transformation T is defined as T: (x, y) → (x + 3, y + 1). To find the preimage of the point (4, 3) under this transformation, we need to reverse the process.

To do that, we subtract 3 from the x-coordinate and subtract 1 from the y-coordinate of the given point.

So, the preimage of the point (4, 3) under the transformation T is calculated as:

Preimage = (4 - 3, 3 - 1) = (1, 2)

Therefore, the preimage of the point (4, 3) under the transformation T is (1, 2).

To find the preimage of a point under the transformation T : (x, y) → (x + 3, y + 1), we need to reverse the transformation.

Let's call the preimage point (x', y'). We know that T(x', y') = (4, 3).

Using the transformation equation, we can set up the following equations:

x' + 3 = 4
y' + 1 = 3

Solving the equations, we can solve for x' and y':

x' = 1
y' = 2

Therefore, the preimage of the point (4, 3) under the transformation T is (1, 2).