
Use /, not \ for "divide.

I do not know how to explain long division without being to line up columns on the result posted. I will try to find a web place to look.

If you use a calculator, enter the first number first. Then hit the divide key. Enter the second number.

Your answer should be less than 200 and be carried to three decimal places.

Search on the web for

maths is fun and long_division

I can not post a link.


To calculate the value of 2323.15 divided by 12.5, you can use a calculator or perform the division using long division.

If you have a calculator:

1. Enter the value 2323.15.
2. Press the divide (/) button.
3. Enter the value 12.5.
4. Press the equals (=) button.

The calculator will give you the result of the division, which is 185.85.

If you want to perform long division manually:

1. Start by dividing the whole number part of 2323.15 (2323) by 12.5. Write the quotient (185) above the division bar.
2. Multiply the divisor (12.5) by the quotient (185) and write the result (2312.5) underneath the whole number part.
3. Subtract the result (2312.5) from the whole number part (2323) to get the remainder (10.5).
4. Bring down the decimal part (0.15) and write it next to the remainder (10.5).
5. Divide the new number (105) by the divisor (12.5). Write the new quotient (8) above the division bar.
6. Multiply the new quotient (8) by the divisor (12.5) and write the result (100) underneath the decimal part.
7. Subtract the result (100) from the new number (105) to get the new remainder (5).
8. The final result is the quotient (185) with the decimal part (0.15) divided by the divisor (12.5). Therefore, the result is approximately 185.85.

So, 2323.15 divided by 12.5 equals 185.85.