A new cruise ship line has just launched 3 new ships: the Pacific Paradise, The caribbean paradise, and the mediterranean paradise. The carribean paradise has 32 more deluxe stateroooms than the pacific paradise. The Mediterranean paradise has 37 few deluxe staterooms than three times the number of deluxe staterooms on the pacific paradise.Find the number of deluxe staterooms for each of the ships if the total number of deluxe staterooms for the three ships is 705

Pacific = x-Staterooms.

Carribean = (x+32) Staterooms.
Mediranean = (3x-37) Staterooms.

x + (x+32) + (3x-37) = 705,
5x - 5 = = 705,
5x = 705 + 5 = 710,

x = 142 Staterooms.
x+32 = 174 Staterooms.
3x-37 = 389 Staterooms.

A new cruise ship line has just launched 3 new ships: the Pacific Paradise, The caribbean paradise, and the mediterranean paradise. The carribean paradise has 22 more deluxe stateroooms than the pacific paradise. The Mediterranean paradise has 20 few deluxe staterooms than three times the number of deluxe staterooms on the pacific paradise.Find the number of deluxe staterooms for each of the ships if the total number of deluxe staterooms for the three ships is 902

Let's start by assigning variables to represent the number of deluxe staterooms on each ship:

Let x be the number of deluxe staterooms on the Pacific Paradise.
The Caribbean Paradise has 32 more deluxe staterooms, so it will be x + 32.
The Mediterranean Paradise has 37 fewer deluxe staterooms than three times the number on the Pacific Paradise, so it will be 3x - 37.

Now, we can set up an equation to represent the total number of deluxe staterooms on the three ships:
x + (x + 32) + (3x - 37) = 705

Simplifying the equation:
x + x + 32 + 3x - 37 = 705
5x - 5 = 705
5x = 710
x = 142

Therefore, the Pacific Paradise has 142 deluxe staterooms, the Caribbean Paradise has 142 + 32 = 174 deluxe staterooms, and the Mediterranean Paradise has 3(142) - 37 = 411 deluxe staterooms.

Let's solve this problem step by step.

Let's assume that the number of deluxe staterooms on the Pacific Paradise is x.

According to the given information, the Caribbean Paradise has 32 more deluxe staterooms than the Pacific Paradise. So, the number of deluxe staterooms on the Caribbean Paradise would be x + 32.

The Mediterranean Paradise has 37 fewer deluxe staterooms than three times the number of deluxe staterooms on the Pacific Paradise. Therefore, the number of deluxe staterooms on the Mediterranean Paradise is 3x - 37.

To find the total number of deluxe staterooms for all three ships, we add up the number of staterooms on each individual ship:

x (Pacific Paradise) + (x + 32) (Caribbean Paradise) + (3x - 37) (Mediterranean Paradise) = 705

Now we can solve this equation for x:

x + x + 32 + 3x - 37 = 705
5x - 5 = 705
5x = 705 + 5
5x = 710
x = 710 / 5
x = 142

So, the Pacific Paradise has 142 deluxe staterooms.

Now we can find the number of deluxe staterooms on the Caribbean Paradise:
x + 32 = 142 + 32 = 174

Therefore, the Caribbean Paradise has 174 deluxe staterooms.

Finally, we can find the number of deluxe staterooms on the Mediterranean Paradise:
3x - 37 = 3 * 142 - 37 = 426 - 37 = 389

Therefore, the Mediterranean Paradise has 389 deluxe staterooms.

To summarize:
The Pacific Paradise has 142 deluxe staterooms.
The Caribbean Paradise has 174 deluxe staterooms.
The Mediterranean Paradise has 389 deluxe staterooms.