"Beauty if only skin deep" is an example of ?

A. personification.
B. hyperbole.
C. a generalization.
D. a cliche

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I think it might be a cliche?

Yes, I agree.

The phrase "Beauty is only skin deep" is an example of D. a cliche.

To determine the answer, we can first understand what each of the given options means:

A. Personification: This is a figure of speech where human characteristics are given to non-human things. For example, "The wind whispered through the trees." In the given phrase, there is no attribution of human characteristics to non-human things, so it is not personification.

B. Hyperbole: This is an exaggeration that is not meant to be taken literally. For example, "I'm so hungry, I could eat a horse." The given phrase does not involve exaggeration, so it is not hyperbole.

C. Generalization: This is a broad statement that applies to a group or category as a whole. For example, "All birds can fly." The given phrase is not a general statement about a group or category, so it is not a generalization.

D. Cliche: This refers to an overused expression or idea that has lost its originality or impact due to repetition. The given phrase, "Beauty is only skin deep," is a commonly used expression that expresses the idea that physical appearance is not the sole measure of beauty. Since it is an overused expression, it qualifies as a cliche.

Therefore, the answer is D. a cliche.