pretend that you are entering charters catheral through the central portal. you want to get to the apse what parts of the plan might you traverse in order to get there? describe what you will see on the way.

To get to the apse of Chartres Cathedral, you would typically traverse several sections of the cathedral. Let's explore the path and the notable things you might see along the way:

1. Nave: As you enter through the central portal, you will find yourself in the main area called the nave. It is a long, central aisle leading towards the altar. The nave is usually flanked by rows of pews or chairs for the congregation. Look up and you'll notice the grandeur of the interior with its towering columns and high vaulted ceilings. The stained glass windows, depicting biblical scenes and saints, will catch your eye.

2. Transept: Continuing forward, you will reach the transept, which is a shorter cross-shaped section that intersects the nave. The transept divides the cathedral into a western and eastern section. Take a moment to appreciate the transept's impressive architectural features, such as the rose windows, sculptures, and intricate carvings that adorn the walls.

3. Crossing: Upon passing through the transept, you will reach the crossing, where the nave and transept intersect. Here, you can observe the central dome or lantern, which allows light to flood into the cathedral. The crossing is often emphasized with decorative elements, statues, and elaborate Gothic tracery.

4. Choir: Beyond the crossing, you will enter the choir, located in the eastern part of the cathedral. The choir is an elevated area where the clergy and the choir members sit during religious services. As you walk toward the apse, you may notice magnificent choir stalls intricately carved with scenes from the Bible or saints. Look up, and you will see the beautiful, towering stained glass windows illuminating the space.

5. Ambulatory: Finally, you will reach the ambulatory, an aisle that encircles the choir and leads to the apse. The ambulatory offers a chance to witness more stunning stained glass windows and allows you to see the cathedral from different angles. As you walk along the ambulatory, you may encounter side chapels with altars dedicated to various saints or significant figures.

After passing through the ambulatory, you will arrive at the apse. The apse is a semicircular, protruding section at the eastern end of the cathedral, often richly adorned with additional stained glass or sculptural elements. It serves as the focal point of the cathedral, housing the high altar and symbolizing the presence of divinity.

Navigating through these sections of Chartres Cathedral will grant you a remarkable visual journey, filled with awe-inspiring architecture, religious art, and historical significance.