rewrite the first sentence of ch.2, section 5 of the text in your own words. identify commonly used pronouns. explain why using pronouns may help make your writing more effective.

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what is the bolded word a subject pronoun or an object pronoun? we wanted to thank them for all of their help.

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In my own words, the first sentence of Chapter 2, Section 5 of the text can be rewritten as "The main idea discussed in this section pertains to the concept of effective communication."

The commonly used pronoun in this sentence is "this," which refers to the specific section being mentioned.

Using pronouns in writing can make it more effective for a few reasons. Firstly, pronouns like "this," "it," or "they" help to refer back to nouns or ideas already introduced, making the text more concise and avoiding unnecessary repetition. This not only enhances readability but also keeps the flow of the writing smooth. Additionally, pronouns allow writers to create a sense of unity and cohesiveness within their text by connecting different ideas without explicit repetitive nouns. Lastly, pronouns can also make the writing more inclusive and relatable to a broader audience because they avoid overuse of specific names or gendered terms, creating a more neutral and inclusive tone.