add and simplify

96/125 + 83/125 + 2/15 =

hint: LCD = 375

96/125 = (3*96)/(3*125)= 288/375

83/125 = (3*83)/(3*125)= 249/375

2/15 =(25*2)/(25*15) = 50/375

96/125+83/125+2/15 = (288+249+50)/375 = 587/375

To add and simplify the given fractions:

Step 1: Find a common denominator for all the fractions. In this case, the common denominator is 125.

Step 2: Rewrite each fraction with the common denominator:

96/125 + 83/125 + 2/15 = (96 + 83)/125 + 2/15

Step 3: Add the numerators while keeping the common denominator:

(96 + 83)/125 + 2/15 = 179/125 + 2/15

Step 4: To add fractions, we need the common denominator. To find the common denominator between 125 and 15, we can multiply them together: 125 * 15 = 1875.

Step 5: Rewrite each fraction with the common denominator:

179/125 + 2/15 = (179 * 15)/(125 * 15) + (2 * 125)/(15 * 125)

Step 6: Simplify each fraction:

(179 * 15)/(125 * 15) + (2 * 125)/(15 * 125) = 2685/1875 + 250/1875

Step 7: Finally, add the numerators while keeping the common denominator:

2685/1875 + 250/1875 = (2685 + 250)/1875

Step 8: Simplify the numerator:

(2685 + 250)/1875 = 2935/1875

Therefore, the sum of the fractions 96/125, 83/125, and 2/15 when simplified is 2935/1875.