Use the Substitution method to solve the system of equations.

y - 2x = -5
3y - x = 5

Solve the first equation for y.
y = 2x-5
Substitute that for y in the second equation and solve for x. Then use the value of x to substitute back into the first equation and solve for y. Post your work if you get stuck.


y - 2x = -5 (equation 1)
3y - x = 5 (equation 2)
Use equation 1 to solve for y as I did earlier.
y = 2x + 5
Now substitute that value of y (from equation 1) into equation 2.
equation 2 is
3y-x=5. Plug the value for y into this.
Now solve for x. Then use that value for x into equation 1 and solve for y.
Post your work if you get stuck. Not a "would it be" answer.

what is a possible point that lies on the graph


yo mama

Lesson 3: Review of Solving Equations

Algebra 1 B unit 1: Mia-Year Refresher


Anonymous is right! I got 100%! Thank u!

well. im failing algebra jus as u r probably if ur askin help online from random ppl. sorry i cant help.


Solve the equation.

–3 + x = 11
A. –8
B. –14
C. 8
D. 14

Add 3 to both sides:

-3 + x + 3 = 11 + 3


x = 14

Answer: D) 14

Solve the equation.

Q – 21 = –52

Solve the equation.

Q – 21 = –52
A. –31
B. –73
C. 31
D. 73

Add 21 to both sides of the equation:

Q - 21 + 21 = -52 + 21


Q = -31

Answer: A) -31

The equation y = -2x - 5 represents a linear equation in slope-intercept form, where the coefficient of x (-2) is the slope and -5 is the y-intercept.

To find a point that lies on the graph of this equation, you can choose any value for x and substitute it into the equation to calculate the corresponding y-value.

For example, let's choose x = 1:
y = -2(1) - 5
y = -2 - 5
y = -7

Therefore, a point that lies on the graph of the equation y = -2x - 5 is (1, -7).