Please help

f(x) = 3x² + 2
x= 3
my question, do I start by solving x² first then multiply by 3 and adding 2

f(3= 3 * 9 + 2 = 29
or do I multiply first
3*3 =9² +2 = 83
I'm pretty sure we resolve the exponents first but need some help

sub in 3 for x


B - brackets, (if any)
E - exponents
D - divisions in the order they occur
M - Multiplications in the order they occur
A - Additions in the order they occur
S - Subtraction in the order they occur

Yes, you are correct in the order you did the calculation the first time
f(3) = 3(3^2) + 2
= 3(9) + 2
= 27+2
= 29

To evaluate the function f(x) = 3x² + 2 when x = 3, you need to follow the correct order of operations, which is known as the "PEMDAS" rule.

1. Parentheses: Evaluate any expressions inside parentheses first. However, in the given function, there are no parentheses.

2. Exponents: Evaluate any exponentiation next. In the given function, there is an exponent of 2 on x, which means you need to square the value of x first.

f(3) = 3 * (3²) + 2

This simplifies to:
f(3) = 3 * 9 + 2

3. Multiplication and Division: Perform any multiplications or divisions from left to right. In this case, you need to multiply 3 by 9.

f(3) = 27 + 2

4. Addition and Subtraction: Perform any additions or subtractions from left to right.

f(3) = 29

Therefore, the correct evaluation of f(3) is 29.