Write a negation of the statement.

Not all people like football.

The negation of a statement is its exact opposite.

All people like football.

oh i get it now! thanks so much Max! can you help me with the other problems i posted? thanks so much for all your help :)

How many license plates with 3 decimal digits followed by 3 letters do not contain both the number 0 and the letter O if in building the plates you are not allowed to repeat any letter or any digit?

Some people like football.

To write the negation of the statement "Not all people like football," we need to find the opposite meaning. The original statement implies that some people do not like football, but the negation would imply that this is not the case.

The negation of "Not all people like football" can be written as "All people like football."

License plates are made using 2 letters followed by 2 digits. How many plates can be made if repetition of letters and digits is allowed?