2. She ___ (drive) recklessly for several years before she had an accident.

A. had drove
B. drives
C. had driven

What do you think the answer is? I will be glad to check your answer.

my guess is drives , but im not 100% sure

Look at "before she had an accident."

so its A?

confused. english is not my main language


What is the past participle of "drive?"

driven? only C is left lol

Yes, you got it!

had driven

The correct answer is C. had driven.

To determine the correct option, we need to consider the verb tense and the context of the sentence. In this sentence, we are talking about an action that happened in the past and was completed before another past event.

The phrase "before she had an accident" indicates that the accident happened after the reckless driving had occurred. In such cases, we use the past perfect tense to describe an action that happened before another past event.

Now let's analyze the given options:

A. "had drove" - This is incorrect because the past participle of the verb "drive" is "driven," not "drove." We use the simple past tense "drove" for completed actions in the past, but since we are talking about an action that happened before the accident, we need to use the past perfect tense.

B. "drives" - This is incorrect because "drives" is in the present tense, whereas we are talking about a past event. It does not match the verb tense required in the sentence.

C. "had driven" - This is the correct answer. "Had driven" is the past perfect tense of the verb "drive," which matches the verb tense needed in the sentence. It indicates that the reckless driving happened before the accident.

Therefore, the correct answer is C. had driven.