Given m(x)=7/5x2+9-2 what is the domain of m in set notation form?

I bet you meant ....

m(x) = (7/5)x^2 + 9x - 2

= (7/5)[x^2 + (45/7)x ] - 2
= (7/5)[x^2 + (45/7)x +2025/196 - 2025/196 ] - 2
= (7/5)[(x + 45/14)^2 - 2025/196 ] - 2
= (7/5)(x+45/14)^2 - 405/28 - 56/28
= (7/5)(x+45/14)^2 - 349/28

I did not answer your question.

I read your other post first and assumed this one was the same type.

for this one the way you typed it,
the domain is

{x | x ∈ R}

To determine the domain of the function m(x), we need to consider the values of x for which the function is defined.

In this case, the function m(x) is defined by the quadratic equation 7/5x^2 + 9 - 2.

The domain of a quadratic function is all real numbers unless there are any restrictions. However, since there are no restrictions or denominators in this equation, it implies that the function is defined for all real numbers.

Therefore, the domain of m(x) is the set of all real numbers, and it can be denoted in set notation as:

Domain: (-∞, +∞)