at sea level the average lung capacity for humans is about 4.o liters. at 37 degrees celcius (body temperature) how many grams of oxygen could your lungs hold?

PV = nRT

P = 1 atm
V = 4.0 L
n = unknown
R = 0.08206
T = 273 + 37 = ??
Solve for n, then n = grams/molar mass. Solve for grams.
Note the correct spelling of celsius.

F this i don't know

To calculate the amount of oxygen that can be held in the lungs at body temperature, we need to consider a few factors. Firstly, we need to know the percentage of oxygen in the atmosphere, and then we can calculate the volume of oxygen. Finally, we can convert the volume into grams using the density of oxygen.

Step 1: Determine the percentage of oxygen in the atmosphere at sea level.
The percentage of oxygen in the atmosphere at sea level is approximately 21%.

Step 2: Calculate the volume of oxygen.
Given that the average lung capacity at sea level is 4.0 liters, we can calculate the volume of oxygen by multiplying it with the percentage of oxygen in the atmosphere:
Volume of oxygen = 4.0 liters * 0.21 (21% expressed as a decimal) = 0.84 liters.

Step 3: Convert the volume of oxygen to grams.
To convert the volume of oxygen to grams, we need to use the density of oxygen at 37 degrees Celsius. The density of oxygen at this temperature is approximately 1.429 grams per liter.
Mass of oxygen = Volume of oxygen * Density of oxygen
Mass of oxygen = 0.84 liters * 1.429 grams per liter = 1.2 grams (rounded to one decimal place).

Therefore, at body temperature (37 degrees Celsius), your lungs could hold approximately 1.2 grams of oxygen.