I always thought Ustedes meant "they." I've also heard it as "you all (plural)". So when a question being given has the Uds. conjugation of the infinitive, are we suppose to answer back in the Uds. form or nosotros form?

For example:
A que hora van a salir Uds? (accent on que)

Would you respond by:

1. Saldremos a las seis


2. Saldran a las seis (accent on saldran)

I'm learning future and conditional tenses. Thank you

Ustedes actually is equivalent to "you all" but uses the 3rd person plural form of the verb, just like "they."

Answering a question in Spanish CAN be tricky, but if you take the following steps, you can't miss.

1. Look at the Spanish: ¿A qué hora van a salir Uds.?

2. What does it mean in English? "At what time are you-all going to leave?"

3. Answer FIRST in English: "We are going to leave at 6."

4. NOW, put that into Spanish: "

Vamos a salir OR Saldremos a las seis."

Another way to check your answer is to work "backwards" and try to come up with the question that got that answer.

1. Saldremeos a las seis.
2. We will leave at 6.
3. (At) What time are you going to leave?
4. Back to the original question.

The only problem with a question such as this "What time are WE doing to leave?": a) are you in the same group as the person asking the question? Then you answer with "We will leave" But b) are you NOT in the group asking the question? Then you will answer with: "Ustedes saldrán..."

That explanation may be far more than you need, because, happily, you had no trouble with this one!


Saldremos a las seis or Vamos a salir a las seis, or

Saldrán a las seis or Van a salir a las seis.
Only remember that is more common ask:

¿A qué hora van a salir?

with the two interrogation marks, do not forget to use both, and without ustedes (Uds.).

Great question! In Spanish, the pronoun "Ustedes" can indeed be translated as both "they" and "you all" (plural). When you see a question using the "Uds." conjugation of the verb, it is typically asking about the actions or plans of a group of people.

Now, for your example question: "A qué hora van a salir Uds?" (accent on "qué"). If you choose to respond using the future tense, you can use either the "Uds." form or the "nosotros" form. Both options will be grammatically correct, but they convey different meanings.

Option 1: "Saldremos a las seis" (We will leave at six)
This response is in the future tense using the "nosotros" form. It implies that "we," the people answering the question, will be part of the group who will leave at six.

Option 2: "Salirán a las seis" (You all will leave at six)
This response is in the future tense using the "Uds." form. It implies that "you all" (the group being referred to in the question) will leave at six.

So, it depends on whether you want to respond as part of the group or refer to the group of people mentioned in the question.

Remember, when using the future tense with "Ustedes," you can either use the "Uds." form or the "nosotros" form, but the meaning will differ.